Friday, September 9, 2022

They Own You Now


Source nomeerveneer 

I've been in a relationship with someone that identifies as nonbinary like the person in these photos. If you have a problems with the pronoun choice just remember that I said I write whatever I want and meant it.

1 comment:

  1. First time I've seen a nonbinary person in a porn caption! I mean, emphasis 'person', I've seen captions with eldritch lovecraft monsters, but that's not the kind of nonbinary entity you meet at the bowling alley.

    Nice to see someone who 'writes whatever they want' make good on that commitment to write stuff that's less bleak, and takes a risk to do it. I hope you don't get any hate for this. Maybe it's weird to see kind of a ray of hope in a blog for fetish captions but these days? I'm a tired old dickgirl dowager, I'll take it.
